Give your dress

a second love

Find out how much your wedding dress is worth with our simulator

Estimated value:

Entre and

Estimate based on the sales price history of listings with similar condition, retail price, age, and brand. The actual selling price may vary depending on the final price, type of listing, location of your listing, age, demand, and other factors.

Here your dress finds a new story!

Do you have a beautiful dress in good condition?

Is your dress taking up space and collecting dust at home?

Reach more brides looking for your dress by selling it on consignment at our showroom.

The showroom is the perfect place to sell your dress with personalized service.

Receive a free pre evaluation of your dress here!

How to sell a dress

at the showroom

Fill out the form

It's easy: just send photos and details of your dress using the pre-evaluation form. Click on the "Submit form" button.

Online Pre-Evaluation

You will receive our free pre-evaluation by email. We accept dresses that fit our conditions and curation system.

On site evaluation

If pre-selected, the dress must be delivered or sent in good condition. If accepted, we sign a contract and an administrative fee is paid.

A new story for your dress

The dress will be promoted online and tried on in our showroom.
After the sale, a 50% commission will be sent to you.

Brides with purpose

We are an online and physical platform dedicated to preloved wedding dresses, aligned with the concept of sustainability and circular economy.

This is the perfect place to sell your dress on consignment, through previous curatorship.

We create meaningful connections: on the one hand, we help brides that want to make other brides happy, who seek to pass on their testimony from bride to bride, letting go of their dress.

At the same time, we help people find their perfect wedding dress by providing a personalized service and selected dresses.

One dress, several stories!

Personalized service
Bridal Stories showroom

Does Bridal Stories buy dresses?

  • We know that selling online isn’t always easy. That’s why at Bridal Stories we give you the opportunity to sell your item in person, through a consignment service.

    This means that we do not buy dresses directly from you. 

    The item is sold through us, with Bridal Stories acting as an intermediary in the sale.

  • The service includes storage, maintenance and promotion of the dress online and in person.

  • Why don't we buy dresses directly from you? This way we can add more value to your item, because if we bought it directly it would not be possible to have the same offer.

Do you have a beautiful dress in good condition?

- Get more space in your wardrobe! 

- We promote your dress!

- We take care of appointments and agenda!

- Above all, we sell the dress for you!

Submit your dress for a free online pre-evaluation through our form and we take care of everything!

Generally, we only accept dresses from the last 5 years. Please have in mind that a quality dress in good condition, in second hand, can be sold for around 50% of the original price. 

Before submitting please read our conditions here:

Vestido de noiva
Vestido de noiva

What is included in the consignation service?

Once the dress has been evaluated and accepted, it will be stored under our sole responsibility.

This storage, maintenance and promotion service is paid and includes:

  • - On site evaluation
  • - Personalized consultancy to optimize the dress and any budgeting of alteration, if needed
  • - If accepted, contract signature
  • - Space and storage (up to 12 months)
  • - Dress maintenance
  • - Insurance and alarm
  • - Description of the dress, photos an dvideo for the website and social networks of Bridal Stories
  • – Destaque na homepage do site e optimização contínua do anúncio
  • – Tratamos de tudo presencialmente com um atendimento personalizado, gestão de agendamento de provas e serviço de atendimento no nosso espaço

Price: 95€ / 12 months

Receive a free pre evaluation of your dress here!

At Bridal Stories you can sell your item on consignment in our showroom through us. This means that we do not buy items directly.

The item is sold on consignment, meaning Bridal Stories acts as an intermediary for the sale. The service includes storage, maintenance and promotion of the dress for a maximum of one year.

This platform was developed to be a specialist in selling second-hand wedding dresses. We also accept the sale of accessories at the showroom.

To select an offer, we pay attention to the condition, age, finishes, style, brand, commercial value and likelihood of sale.

All items submitted for sale in the showroom are subject to prior curation through an online pre-evaluation, submission of a sales price proposal, and subsequently, an in-person evaluation.

If approved, we sign a consignment sales contract and a service fee is paid.

The length of time a dress will be sold depends largely on demand at a given time. This can include factors such as trends, styles, sizes, finishes, price and the current condition of the dress. The consignment itself, i.e. the length of time the dress stays here, can vary between 6 and 12 months.

You can get an estimate of the selling price through our simulator on our platform, altough it is merely indicative and does not represent a detailed analysis.

The in-person assessment takes into account the condition, age, finishes, style, commercial value and likelihood of sale. Once sold, our commission is 50%.

Consult our  "Valuation Table and Curatorship System".

We only consign items ready for delivery when they arrive at the showroom.

In order to make a fair and correct assessment for both parties as well as increase the value of the items, these must be delivered with no defects, recently cleaned professionally and ironed/steamed before the evaluation so that we can check the item at its best condition.

Any necessary interventions to sell the item at its best condition will be budgeted and communicated before consignment, as this is an additional service under quotation.

Do you still have


Tens a certeza que queres sair?

Algumas dicas para obteres melhores resultados com a tua submissão

A foto principal deve ser vertical e mostrar o vestido na sua totalidade.

Usa fotografias originais e não screenshots;

Evita fotografias de catálogo. As clientes gostam de ver fotografias reais;

Evita marcas de água, links de website e molduras;

Coloca fotografias relativas aos pormenores (rendas, bordados, etc.);

Fotografa o teu vestido num fundo clean sem sobreposição de outros artigos.


  • A foto principal deve ser vertical e mostrar o vestido na sua totalidade;
  • Usa fotografias originais e evita as de catálogo. 

  • Usa fotografias originais e não screenshots;
  • Evita fotografias de catálogo. As clientes gostam de ver fotografias reais;
  • Evita marcas de água, links de website e molduras;
  • Coloca fotografias relativas aos pormenores (rendas, bordados, etc.);
  • Fotografa o teu vestido num fundo clean sem sobreposição de outros artigos.